
I had read about the tsunami in the news this morning. I have lived here for many years and have gone through two tsunami warnings. I was a little disappointed to read about the tsunami that I had missed. I did go down to Nawiliwili to check on my boat and to see if anything had happened.

The height of tsunami waves can vary greatly from place to place. With neighboring areas sometimes experiencing great differences in wave height. Sometimes distant areas will experience bigger waves than nearby areas. In 1960 there was a very strong earthquake off of Chile. Waves were estimated at about 80 feet at Chile. This set off many warnings in Hawaii which had several destructive tsunamis in its recent past. When this wave reached Tahiti it was reported to have only been a few feet. Many people hearing this went back to their homes in Hilo. When the waves did reach Hawaii they were up to 35 feet in Hilo many people were killed.
A trip around Kauai and Niihau with Shun
Our friend Shun from Mo Hawaii web site wrote this guide book. The title is Go Kauai and see Niihau. Of course he had to come to Kauai and see Niihau to get material for the book.
It is a Japanese Guide Book so it has to mention food. A good meal is always a good start to an adventure.
Just a few more pictures of food.
Blue Dolphin Charters Niihau tour. The Dolphins were great but the weather did not let us go across to Niihau this day.
Kii landing on Niihau. The lunch was better with Blue Dolphin, but this is Niihau.
I went snorkeling until I could get a good picture for Shun's book. As a bonus I got to eat lobster for dinner.
The Forbidden sands of Niihau.
A young monk seal at Kii Landing.
Have you ever seen an octopus. I'm guessing probably not. Even for people who are in the water a lot they can be hard to hind. They like to hide and are masters of camouflage.
This particular octopus got a tour of our boat. Most of the time it was in a bucket. We did have to take it out to bring it back down to the bottom where it belongs. If you just throw them back the fish can make a quick lunch of them.
They are very good at holding on some times they can be difficult to remove. especially if they are tattooed on your back.
Where did it go? I can't seem to find it.
I think that it might be a little happier crawling back into it's hole. They usually live in hole often coming out at night to feed. They are often out in the daytime too. In the day they don't go very far from hiding spots.
Besides fitting into almost any size hole imaginable. The octopus is able to change its color from reddish brown to white. Often it is a mottled color in between. They can also change their texture from bumpy in this picture to smooth as in the upper picture.
Why are they so secretive? I think that the main reason is that they have soft bodies and taste good.